The Dark Ops Airsoft SNIPER PACKAGE has been designed with the beginner player in mind. The perfect fit for this package will be someone who is looking to get into sniping but might not have ever done so before. This airsoft gun shoots at a MEDIUM VELOCITY of 260 Feet Per Second. This velocity is great for 1st time players, younger players, players that aren't sure about the sport yet, etc. The Z1 Package Airsoft Sniper Rifle comes standard with a BLUE FLASHLIGHT, 150 round magazine, bipod, 9" Target, and 1000 Airsoft BBs. Everything you need to get started. The top of the airsoft rifle does feature a rail mounting system, so a scope can be mounted if you want to add it on. This item was listed by an Authorized Platinum Dealer for Dark Ops Airsoft. Any unauthorized seller that lists or sells under product pages with Dark Ops Airsoft trademarked products is considered Trademark infringement.