
Pre-Order Policy

TradeMyGun Preorder Details

When a new paintball gun is released it can often take weeks for the guns to become readily available for purchase.  The best way to get one of the first newly released markers is by placing a preorder.  We offer the best preorder policy in the paintball industry.


  • Cancel and get 100% Refund - No Fees Charged
  • We ship the oldest preorder first 
  • We tell you where you are "in line" when you place the preorder


The only time a preorder cannot be cancelled is after you send us a trade-in, if applicable.  Once you ship your trade to us we can't cancel the preorder.  However, we don't require you to ship your trade-in until we have a firm preorder ship date.  

There are 3 ways customers place preorders with TMG.  Below you will find our policy related to the different purchase methods.


  1. Buy with no trade-in:  Payment in full required to secure your place in line.  Fully refundable at any time with no fees. 
  2. Buy with a trade-in and Cash add:  Pay the cash add to secure your place in line.  We will send you a pre-paid shipping label for your trade-in but you don't have to ship it until we have a firm ship date for your preorder. 
  3. Buy with a trade-in with no cash add: A $100 fully refundable deposit is required to secure your place in line.  We will send you a pre-paid shipping label for your trade-in but you don't have to ship it until we have a firm ship date for your preorder.  Once your trade-in ships to us, we will refund the $100 deposit.